Our Blog

3-Steps to a Healthier Immune System
Although having some basic nutritional necessities on hand such as Vitamin C, and Vitamin D3 is a great idea, there are also many lifestyle-based actions you can make to support your immune system. Many lifestyle factors play into the resiliency of your immune system and a firm understanding of how to support your immune system to keep it strong is beneficial. Immune System and the GI Tract Your immune system...
6 Safe Weight Management Considerations You Need to Know
June 21st, otherwise known as “The Summer Solstice,” represents the first day of summer. For many, this is time for celebration, while for others the fast approaching summer generates anxiety over body image and in some—it ignites a sense of panic on the “How-To” factor of getting “bathing suit ready” in a few short weeks…yikes! First and foremost, let’s recognize that as a social whole, we are severely disillusioned about...
Get Set to Spring Clean Your Body
Spring is finally HERE! When you think of spring cleaning, we tend to think of housework, but the new season is also the perfect time to refresh our mind and body. We all know spring cleaning our homes can be such a chore, but when it comes to our bodies, it’s much easier. Simply adding lemon to your drinking water or adding more fresh fruit and vegetables to your diet...
Micronutrients - The Underdog
Good Nutrition is an important part of leading a healthy lifestyle. March kicks off with International Nutrition Month which focuses on nutrition education and helping people make correct food choices. Here’s a familiar scenario: you’re in a grocery store and you pick up a box of crackers. You turn the box over to look at the nutrition label. What is the first thing you look at? Calories, grams of carbs,...
Talking with the Doc: Weight Loss, Genetics and You
There’s no denying that food and exercise are important to a weight loss plan, but you’ve probably heard that genetics play a part in how effective your body is at achieving those goals. And that’s true—but maybe not in the way you might think. This has been discussed at length in the medicine world. According to Dr. McCarthy, there are a variety of lifestyle and environmental factors that have a...
Talking with the Doc™: Sports Nutrition and Weight Loss Formulas
If you’re like most red-blooded humans in the world, you met the dawn of 2019 by facing down the New Year’s Resolution you made the night before—that this year will be the year you get healthy, get into shape, and lose weight. But do you have a plan in place, and the nutrients that can help you successfully execute this plan? Before you run off to shop for your new...
President Trump signed into law the bipartisan approved 2018 Farm Bill, which legalizes hemp and ends an 80-year prohibition. We are excited to announce that in celebration of the nationwide legalization of hemp, we are giving away $1 million worth* of CBD. We will be giving away up to 1,000 bottles of CBD products a day on a first come, first serve basis, just one free item per person. You...
3 Tips for a Happy, Healthy Love Life
As Valentine’s Day approaches, and we all prepare to buy cards, enjoy chocolate and be descended upon by bow-wielding cherubim, some questions remain. Like… “which supplements are best for boosting sexual health?” and “does chocolate actually affect women on a deeper level than it affects men?” Let’s start by getting beyond the Mars/Venus dichotomy. The truth is, we’re all a little more similar than most people realize. Sure, there are...
3-Steps to a Healthier Immune System
written by: Dr. Elijah McCarthy, ND | September 28, 2018 As the summer season comes to an end, and the fall season appears on the horizon, the topic of supporting your immune system creeps into our collective awareness. Many lifestyle factors play into the resiliency of your immune system and a firm understanding of how to support your immune system as we move into the next season can help you avoid spending...